Eating Disorder Psychiatry


Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that require specialised care and attention. Eating Disorder Psychiatry is a subspecialty within psychiatry that focuses specifically on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, ARFID and others. Specialists in this field have extensive training and experience in understanding the interplay between psychological, biological, and social factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of eating disorders.


When to Seek support from an Eating Disorder Psychiatrist:

You might consider seeking the expertise of an Eating Disorder Psychiatrist in several scenarios:


  • Complex Cases: When your eating disorder is accompanied by other mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse, a specialist in Eating Disorder Psychiatry can provide comprehensive care and treatment that addresses all aspects of your presentation. This may include prescribing medication, recommending different talking therapies and interventions.

  • Treatment Resistance: If treatment so far has not been effective or if you are struggling to make progress in recovery, a Psychiatrist can help to identify underlying barriers and develop alternative strategies or treatments.

  • Oversight of Physical Health: Severe cases of eating disorders can lead to significant medical complications, such as electrolyte imbalances, cardiac issues, and nutritional deficiencies. Eating Disorder Psychiatrists work closely with other medical professionals to manage these complications.

  • Unique Presentations: Some individuals may present with atypical or complex symptoms that require a nuanced understanding of eating disorder pathology. Specialists in Eating Disorder Psychiatry are equipped to recognise and address these nuances effectively.

Seeing a specialist in Eating Disorder Psychiatry offers several distinct advantages:


  • Expertise in Evidence-Based Treatments: Specialists in this field are well-versed in the latest research and evidence-based treatments for eating disorders, ensuring that patients receive the most effective interventions available.

  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Eating Disorder Psychiatrists work as part of the multidisciplinary team at The London Centre, that includes psychologists, dietitians, and other healthcare professionals. This collaborative approach ensures that clients receive comprehensive care that addresses their unique needs.

  • Individualised Treatment Plans: Eating Disorder Psychiatrists understand that each individual's journey to recovery is unique. They develop personalised treatment plans that take into account factors such as the individual's history, preferences, and co-occurring conditions.

  • Long-Term Support: Recovery from an eating disorder is often a complex and challenging process that requires ongoing support. Eating Disorder Psychiatrists provide long-term care and monitoring to help patients maintain their progress and prevent relapse.


In conclusion, Eating Disorder Psychiatry offers a specialised approach to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of eating disorders. Specialists in this field are uniquely equipped to address the complexities of these conditions and provide comprehensive care that addresses the individual needs of each patient. Whether facing treatment resistance, medical complications, or unique presentations, seeking the expertise of an Eating Disorder Psychiatrist can be a crucial step on the journey to recovery.


For more information or if you wish to book an appointment, please click here.