Posts tagged healthy eating
What is ARFID?

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is becoming an increasingly common diagnosis; but what is it and what does it mean? What makes it an Eating Disorder and what is the difference between ARFID and picky or selective eating? The London Centre team have pulled this blog together to answer these questions and more, and to let you know what treatment, help and support is available for ARFID sufferers

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One to One Emotional Eating 8-week Programme

Here at The London Centre for Eating Disorders and Body Image, we recognise the serious impact emotional eating can have on both your physical and mental wellbeing, and as such we have specifically devised a one to one course, to be tailored to you by your Clinician, which will not only help you understand your eating patterns and identify your triggers, but will also supply you with the right toolkit to manage your emotions without turning to food.

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When does disordered eating become an eating disorder?

‘Eating Disorder’ vs ‘Disordered eating’ – though these terms are often used interchangeably, where to draw the line can be a decision that is difficult to make. So when does ‘disordered eating’ become an ‘eating disorder’? And how do you distinguish disordered eating from normative dieting behaviours that seem to be so prevalent in today's society?

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