How to manage your relationship with your body this summer


This summer we are running a mini series of short blogs to bring you some top tips and tricks on looking after your mental wellbeing during recovery, from our Psychotherapist Lauren Aron. We will be posting a mini-blog each week for the next month so make sure you come back weekly for your next installment!

To kick off, we are looking at body positivity. Here are some helpful strategies to help you focus on your own unique qualities by pushing those negative thoughts aside and reminding yourself to be kind and compassionate to yourself. Remember to talk to yourself as you would talk to a friend, it’s a marathon not a sprint! :)

The weather is FINALLY improving and, dare we say it, it feels as though Summer might be arriving after all. Whilst the warmer weather is what a lot of people have been waiting for, for many others who struggle with body anxiety, this can also be a really tricky time! 

Here are six small tips to try and help you stay body positive during the summer months: 

  • Remember that your body does not define you or your worth, it is not the most important thing about you.  Nobody's worth is defined by their appearance, so try not to judge yourself by how you feel about your body.  Hold on to your unique qualities and focus on the things you appreciate or value about yourself. 

  •  Surround yourself with positive influences: Spending time with supportive individuals who make you feel good about yourself can make a significant difference in how you perceive yourself. Seek out friends, family, or online communities that promote body positivity and encourage self-acceptance.  It may be useful to do some research into the body positivity movement, or the Health at Any Size (HAES) principles to remind yourself that you don't have to judge your body negatively.

  • Engage in activities you enjoy: Doing things that bring you pleasure and make you feel good can boost your self-confidence. Whether it's swimming, dancing, hiking, or any other physical activity, focus on the experience rather than the way your body looks.  Try to focus on what you enjoy about the activity and how it makes you feel, rather than on how you feel towards your body

  • Challenge negative thoughts: Negative self-talk can be detrimental to your body image. When you catch yourself thinking negatively about your appearance, try to either challenge those thoughts (would you think the same of somebody else) or replace them with positive affirmations and remind yourself of your unique qualities beyond physical appearance.

  • Practice self compassion and mindfulness: Take time for yourself and prioritise self-care. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction, such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature. Being mindful can help you appreciate your body and feel more connected to yourself. Treat your body with kindness, care, and respect.

  • Value your body for what it does for you: Rather than focussing on your appearance, try to connect with the things you feel grateful to your body for.  What are the things your body enables you to do that you wouldn't be able to do without it.  Recognise all that your body does for you and try to practise gratitude for these things.

  • Remember, managing body image is a personal journey, and it takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and focus on progress rather than perfection. If body image is something that you feel prevents you from enjoying your life as you would like to, consider speaking to someone about this and seeking further specialist support. 

#BodyPositivity #SummerConfidence #SelfLove #EmbraceYourself

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